
Chryssolakkos means the "Pit of gold". This is where the ancient necropolis (royal burial enclosure or cemetery, 1700BCE) in Malia, an ancient Minoan town in Crete, Greece is located. As well as the famous Malia Pendant, it is commonly thought that the so-called Aegina Treasure of Minoan jewellery in the British Museum was excavated here by local people in the 19th century.


Chryssolakkos means the "Pit of gold". This is where the ancient necropolis (royal burial enclosure or cemetery, 1700BCE) in Malia, an ancient Minoan town in Crete, Greece is located. As well as the famous Malia Pendant, it is commonly thought that the so-called Aegina Treasure of Minoan jewellery in the British Museum was excavated here by local people in the 19th century.