Cyamus boopis

Cyamus boopis is a species of whale louse in the family Cyamidae. This is an ectoparasite that lives exclusively on humpback whales. The infestation is most concentrated around the genital apertures, but occurs on all parts of the body, most commonly where there is an infestation of the barnacle species Coronula diadema. These lice will promptly try to attach themselves to people when handling whales during processing.

Cyamus boopis

Cyamus boopis is a species of whale louse in the family Cyamidae. This is an ectoparasite that lives exclusively on humpback whales. The infestation is most concentrated around the genital apertures, but occurs on all parts of the body, most commonly where there is an infestation of the barnacle species Coronula diadema. These lice will promptly try to attach themselves to people when handling whales during processing.