David Ungar

David Michael Ungar, an American computer scientist, co-created the Self programming language with Randall Smith. The SELF development environment's animated user experience was described in the paper Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface co-written with Bay-Wei Chang, which won a lasting impact award at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 2004. Dave Ungar was awarded the Dahl-Nygaard Senior Prize in 2009.

David Ungar

David Michael Ungar, an American computer scientist, co-created the Self programming language with Randall Smith. The SELF development environment's animated user experience was described in the paper Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface co-written with Bay-Wei Chang, which won a lasting impact award at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 2004. Dave Ungar was awarded the Dahl-Nygaard Senior Prize in 2009.