Dayna Danger

Dayna Danger is a Two-Spirit/queer, hard femme, Métis/Saulteaux/Polish visual artist. Danger was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty 1 territory, and now resides in Tio'tiá:ke (Montréal). Danger explores various mediums in their creations including sculpture, photography, performance and video. Danger's work explores the relationships between representation, objectification, and empowerment. They also engage with themes of intimacy, gender, sexuality, BDSM, kink, and mixed identities. Danger's artwork from their Big'Uns series was on the front cover of the Summer 2017 Canadian Art Magazine issue. A white male curator once commented that he "could not see himself" in Danger's art, and Danger's response was that "[t]his work is not for you." Later, when Danger's photo from Big'Un

Dayna Danger

Dayna Danger is a Two-Spirit/queer, hard femme, Métis/Saulteaux/Polish visual artist. Danger was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty 1 territory, and now resides in Tio'tiá:ke (Montréal). Danger explores various mediums in their creations including sculpture, photography, performance and video. Danger's work explores the relationships between representation, objectification, and empowerment. They also engage with themes of intimacy, gender, sexuality, BDSM, kink, and mixed identities. Danger's artwork from their Big'Uns series was on the front cover of the Summer 2017 Canadian Art Magazine issue. A white male curator once commented that he "could not see himself" in Danger's art, and Danger's response was that "[t]his work is not for you." Later, when Danger's photo from Big'Un