Defense of Marriage Act (Texas)

The Texas Defence of Marriage Act is an act that specifies that US State of Texas does not recognise same-sex marriage or civil union. The statute was enacted in 2003, it made void in Texas any same-sex marriage or civil union. This statute also prohibits the state or any agency or political subdivision of the state from giving effect to same-sex marriages or civil unions performed in other jurisdictions. The act was signed by Governor Rick Perry in 2003. Subsequently Texas Proposition 2 (2005) wrote similar restrictions into the state constitution.

Defense of Marriage Act (Texas)

The Texas Defence of Marriage Act is an act that specifies that US State of Texas does not recognise same-sex marriage or civil union. The statute was enacted in 2003, it made void in Texas any same-sex marriage or civil union. This statute also prohibits the state or any agency or political subdivision of the state from giving effect to same-sex marriages or civil unions performed in other jurisdictions. The act was signed by Governor Rick Perry in 2003. Subsequently Texas Proposition 2 (2005) wrote similar restrictions into the state constitution.