Delicate Gravity

Delicate Gravity (Délicate Gravité) is a short film directed by Philippe Andre and written by Philippe Andre and Daniel Hainey. It won Best of Festival Award at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival 2013, Best of the Festival and Fest Foreign Film at the Nevada City Film Festival, Audience Choice Award at Bermuda International Film Festival. It has been part of the Unifrance edition of French Cinema in Russia. It has been eligible to the Academy Awards for Oscars.

Delicate Gravity

Delicate Gravity (Délicate Gravité) is a short film directed by Philippe Andre and written by Philippe Andre and Daniel Hainey. It won Best of Festival Award at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival 2013, Best of the Festival and Fest Foreign Film at the Nevada City Film Festival, Audience Choice Award at Bermuda International Film Festival. It has been part of the Unifrance edition of French Cinema in Russia. It has been eligible to the Academy Awards for Oscars.