Direct DNA damage

Direct DNA damage can occur when DNA directly absorbs a UVB photon, or for numerous other reasons. UVB light causes thymine base pairs next to each other in genetic sequences to bond together into pyrimidine dimers, a disruption in the strand, which reproductive enzymes cannot copy. It causes sunburn and it triggers the production of melanin. Other names for the "direct DNA damage" are: * thymine dimers * pyrimidine dimers * Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers (CPDs) * UV-endonuclease-sensitive-sites (ESS)

Direct DNA damage

Direct DNA damage can occur when DNA directly absorbs a UVB photon, or for numerous other reasons. UVB light causes thymine base pairs next to each other in genetic sequences to bond together into pyrimidine dimers, a disruption in the strand, which reproductive enzymes cannot copy. It causes sunburn and it triggers the production of melanin. Other names for the "direct DNA damage" are: * thymine dimers * pyrimidine dimers * Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers (CPDs) * UV-endonuclease-sensitive-sites (ESS)