Emil Redlich

Emil Redlich (18 January 1866 – 9 June 1930) was an Austrian-Jewish neurologist born in Brünn. In 1889 he received his doctorate from the University of Vienna, and later performed anatomical research of the brain at Heinrich Obersteiner’s institute. In 1895 he was a medical assistant at Julius Wagner-Jauregg's neurological institute, and in 1898 became head of a private mental institution in Inzersdorf, outside of Vienna. In 1914 he was appointed director of the Nervenheilanstalt Maria-Theresia-Schlössel in Vienna.

Emil Redlich

Emil Redlich (18 January 1866 – 9 June 1930) was an Austrian-Jewish neurologist born in Brünn. In 1889 he received his doctorate from the University of Vienna, and later performed anatomical research of the brain at Heinrich Obersteiner’s institute. In 1895 he was a medical assistant at Julius Wagner-Jauregg's neurological institute, and in 1898 became head of a private mental institution in Inzersdorf, outside of Vienna. In 1914 he was appointed director of the Nervenheilanstalt Maria-Theresia-Schlössel in Vienna.