Family tree of Chinese monarchs (ancient)

This is a family tree of Chinese kings covering the period from 2697 BCE up through the end of the Spring and Autumn period in 453 BCE, before the establishment of the title emperor (皇帝) by Shi Huangdi in 221 BCE. → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (Warring States period) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (early) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (middle) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (late)

Family tree of Chinese monarchs (ancient)

This is a family tree of Chinese kings covering the period from 2697 BCE up through the end of the Spring and Autumn period in 453 BCE, before the establishment of the title emperor (皇帝) by Shi Huangdi in 221 BCE. → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (Warring States period) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (early) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (middle) → Family tree of Chinese monarchs (late)