Flora Mary Campbell

Flora Mary Campbell (1845 to 1923) was a professional female botanist working in Australia in the late 1800s. She collected type specimens of Goodenia pusilliflora F.Muell. and Dicranum senex Mull.Hal. as well as 82 fungi. The Department of Agriculture hired her in 1888 to investigate hop-spider in Gippsland, a position which promoted her from amateur (unpaid) to professional (paid) botanist.

Flora Mary Campbell

Flora Mary Campbell (1845 to 1923) was a professional female botanist working in Australia in the late 1800s. She collected type specimens of Goodenia pusilliflora F.Muell. and Dicranum senex Mull.Hal. as well as 82 fungi. The Department of Agriculture hired her in 1888 to investigate hop-spider in Gippsland, a position which promoted her from amateur (unpaid) to professional (paid) botanist.