Fort Halifax (Pennsylvania)

Fort Halifax was located along the Susquehanna River near the present day borough of Halifax, Pennsylvania, United States. It was a temporary stronghold in northern Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from 1756 to 1757, during the time of the French and Indian War. The fort was erected by Col. William Clapham, with the order of Governor Morris, and guarded by a garrison of the Third Battalion of the Pennsylvania Provincial Regiment. Fort Halifax was constructed as a subpost along the Susquehanna with three other forts, Fort Harris, Fort Hunter, and Fort Augusta. The fort was originally named "Camp at Armstrong" until General Morris changed it in 1756. It was a 160 feet (49 m) square log stockade with four bastions. It was dismantled in 1763 having become superfluous at war's end.

Fort Halifax (Pennsylvania)

Fort Halifax was located along the Susquehanna River near the present day borough of Halifax, Pennsylvania, United States. It was a temporary stronghold in northern Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from 1756 to 1757, during the time of the French and Indian War. The fort was erected by Col. William Clapham, with the order of Governor Morris, and guarded by a garrison of the Third Battalion of the Pennsylvania Provincial Regiment. Fort Halifax was constructed as a subpost along the Susquehanna with three other forts, Fort Harris, Fort Hunter, and Fort Augusta. The fort was originally named "Camp at Armstrong" until General Morris changed it in 1756. It was a 160 feet (49 m) square log stockade with four bastions. It was dismantled in 1763 having become superfluous at war's end.