Gerard of Lunel

Gerard of Lunel (French: Gérard de Lunel) (Italian: San Gerio, Girio) (ca. 1275—1298), also known as Roger of Lunel and as Saint Géri (Gerius), was a French saint. Born to the French nobility, he became a Franciscan tertiary at the age of five. Gerard suffered a collapse at Monte Santo (present-day Potenza Picena), near Ancona. Effrenaud, leaving Gerard in a cottage, went to get help but by the time he came back, then Gerard had died.

Gerard of Lunel

Gerard of Lunel (French: Gérard de Lunel) (Italian: San Gerio, Girio) (ca. 1275—1298), also known as Roger of Lunel and as Saint Géri (Gerius), was a French saint. Born to the French nobility, he became a Franciscan tertiary at the age of five. Gerard suffered a collapse at Monte Santo (present-day Potenza Picena), near Ancona. Effrenaud, leaving Gerard in a cottage, went to get help but by the time he came back, then Gerard had died.