Grace Evangelical Society

Grace Evangelical Society (GES) is an evangelical Christian advocacy organization based in Denton, Texas, whose purpose is to promote Free Grace Theology. Founded in 1986, GES is a non-profit, evangelical publisher specializing in books that deal with soteriology from a free grace perspective. GES also holds an annual conference at Southwestern Baptist School of Theology's Riley Center in Ft. Worth, Texas. The executive director, Robert N. (Bob) Wilkin, speaks across the country at churches and regional conferences and has written several books. The ministry critiques certain ideas in evangelism and theology, especially strains of Covenant theology, Puritanism and Lordship salvation.

Grace Evangelical Society

Grace Evangelical Society (GES) is an evangelical Christian advocacy organization based in Denton, Texas, whose purpose is to promote Free Grace Theology. Founded in 1986, GES is a non-profit, evangelical publisher specializing in books that deal with soteriology from a free grace perspective. GES also holds an annual conference at Southwestern Baptist School of Theology's Riley Center in Ft. Worth, Texas. The executive director, Robert N. (Bob) Wilkin, speaks across the country at churches and regional conferences and has written several books. The ministry critiques certain ideas in evangelism and theology, especially strains of Covenant theology, Puritanism and Lordship salvation.