Hans-Joachim Bremermann

Hans-Joachim Bremermann (1926–1996) was a German-American mathematician and biophysicist. He worked on computer science and evolution, introducing new ideas of how mating generates new gene combinations. Bremermann's limit, named after him, is the maximum computational speed of a self-contained system in the material universe. Bremermann was born in Bremen, Germany of parents Bernard Bremermann and Berta Wicke. He held chairs at the University of California, Berkeley in both mathematics and biophysics, being promoted to full professor in 1966. R.W. Anderson writes:

Hans-Joachim Bremermann

Hans-Joachim Bremermann (1926–1996) was a German-American mathematician and biophysicist. He worked on computer science and evolution, introducing new ideas of how mating generates new gene combinations. Bremermann's limit, named after him, is the maximum computational speed of a self-contained system in the material universe. Bremermann was born in Bremen, Germany of parents Bernard Bremermann and Berta Wicke. He held chairs at the University of California, Berkeley in both mathematics and biophysics, being promoted to full professor in 1966. R.W. Anderson writes: