
Pupillary hippus, also known as pupillary athetosis, is spasmodic, rhythmic, but regular dilating and contracting pupillary movements between the sphincter and dilator muscles. Pupillary hippus comes from the Greek hippos meaning horse, perhaps due to the rhythm of the contractions representing a galloping horse. It is particularly noticeable when pupil function is tested with a light, but is independent of eye movements or changes in illumination. It is usually normal, however pathological hippus can occur.


Pupillary hippus, also known as pupillary athetosis, is spasmodic, rhythmic, but regular dilating and contracting pupillary movements between the sphincter and dilator muscles. Pupillary hippus comes from the Greek hippos meaning horse, perhaps due to the rhythm of the contractions representing a galloping horse. It is particularly noticeable when pupil function is tested with a light, but is independent of eye movements or changes in illumination. It is usually normal, however pathological hippus can occur.