Identity Thief

Identity Thief is a 2013 American comedy film directed by Seth Gordon, screenplay by Craig Mazin, story by Mazin and Jerry Eeten and starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. The film tells a story about a man (Bateman) whose identity is stolen by a woman (McCarthy). The film received negative reception from critics, but was a commercial success, grossing over $174 million worldwide against a budget of $35 million.

Identity Thief

Identity Thief is a 2013 American comedy film directed by Seth Gordon, screenplay by Craig Mazin, story by Mazin and Jerry Eeten and starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. The film tells a story about a man (Bateman) whose identity is stolen by a woman (McCarthy). The film received negative reception from critics, but was a commercial success, grossing over $174 million worldwide against a budget of $35 million.