Idlib Governorate clashes (June 2020)

The Idlib Governorate clashes (June 2020) were a series of armed confrontations between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Be Steadfast Operations room, led by the Guardians of Religion Organization. The conflict began after HTS arrested the leader of the Ansar al-Din Front, Abu Salah Al-Uzbeki, and a dissenting leader of a group within HTS.

Idlib Governorate clashes (June 2020)

The Idlib Governorate clashes (June 2020) were a series of armed confrontations between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Be Steadfast Operations room, led by the Guardians of Religion Organization. The conflict began after HTS arrested the leader of the Ansar al-Din Front, Abu Salah Al-Uzbeki, and a dissenting leader of a group within HTS.