Jacob Moore

Jacob Moore (November 21, 1829 – December 13, 1886) was Attorney General of the state of Delaware from 1864 through 1869. Born in Laurel, Delaware, Moore was the oldest of twelve children of Lowther Taylor Moore, a storekeeper. After taking a preparatory course, Moore entered Union College in Schenectady, New York, in 1846, and graduated after a full course in 1850. The following three years he spent at Georgetown, Delaware, in the office of the Hon. Edward Wootten of the Superior Court of Delaware, and in 1853 Moore opened a law office in Georgetown. Moore was initially a Democrat, having cast his first vote for President Franklin Pierce in 1852, but switched to the Republican Party after the Battle of Fort Sumter in 1861, and was thereafter a vocal organizer and advocate of the party.

Jacob Moore

Jacob Moore (November 21, 1829 – December 13, 1886) was Attorney General of the state of Delaware from 1864 through 1869. Born in Laurel, Delaware, Moore was the oldest of twelve children of Lowther Taylor Moore, a storekeeper. After taking a preparatory course, Moore entered Union College in Schenectady, New York, in 1846, and graduated after a full course in 1850. The following three years he spent at Georgetown, Delaware, in the office of the Hon. Edward Wootten of the Superior Court of Delaware, and in 1853 Moore opened a law office in Georgetown. Moore was initially a Democrat, having cast his first vote for President Franklin Pierce in 1852, but switched to the Republican Party after the Battle of Fort Sumter in 1861, and was thereafter a vocal organizer and advocate of the party.