Judo atemi waza

Atemi waza (当て身技) or body-striking techniques were the strikes from the several ancient traditional Japanese jujitsu styles that were adopted in judo by its designer Jigorō Kanō in 1882 after a comprehensive study, accompanied by uke waza or defending blocks and parries. When judo further developed as a sports discipline, these techniques were excluded from its competition repertoire, which limits itself mainly to throws (nage waza) and holds (katame waza): although taught within self-defense, kata and sometimes used within informal randori, striking techniques are forbidden in the sport judo competitions rules.

Judo atemi waza

Atemi waza (当て身技) or body-striking techniques were the strikes from the several ancient traditional Japanese jujitsu styles that were adopted in judo by its designer Jigorō Kanō in 1882 after a comprehensive study, accompanied by uke waza or defending blocks and parries. When judo further developed as a sports discipline, these techniques were excluded from its competition repertoire, which limits itself mainly to throws (nage waza) and holds (katame waza): although taught within self-defense, kata and sometimes used within informal randori, striking techniques are forbidden in the sport judo competitions rules.