Laonikos Chalkokondyles

Laonikos Chalkokondyles, Latinized as Laonicus Chalcocondyles (Greek: Λαόνικος Χαλκοκονδύλης, from λαός "people", νικᾶν "to be victorious", an anagram of Nikolaos which bears the same meaning; c. 1430 – c. 1470). The family name 'Chalcokondyles' is from χαλκος "brass",and κονδυλος "knuckle". Laonicos was a Byzantine Greek historian from Athens. He is known for his in ten books, which record the last 150 years of the Byzantine Empire.

Laonikos Chalkokondyles

Laonikos Chalkokondyles, Latinized as Laonicus Chalcocondyles (Greek: Λαόνικος Χαλκοκονδύλης, from λαός "people", νικᾶν "to be victorious", an anagram of Nikolaos which bears the same meaning; c. 1430 – c. 1470). The family name 'Chalcokondyles' is from χαλκος "brass",and κονδυλος "knuckle". Laonicos was a Byzantine Greek historian from Athens. He is known for his in ten books, which record the last 150 years of the Byzantine Empire.