Lewie G. Merritt

Lewie Griffith Merritt (nicknamed "Griff") (June 26, 1897 – March 24, 1974) was a major general and early aviator in the United States Marine Corps. Merritt served over 30 years in the Marine Corps, including service in World War I at Belleau Wood and as an aviator during World War II in both the European and Pacific Theaters. After retiring from the Marine Corps, Merritt practiced law in South Carolina.

Lewie G. Merritt

Lewie Griffith Merritt (nicknamed "Griff") (June 26, 1897 – March 24, 1974) was a major general and early aviator in the United States Marine Corps. Merritt served over 30 years in the Marine Corps, including service in World War I at Belleau Wood and as an aviator during World War II in both the European and Pacific Theaters. After retiring from the Marine Corps, Merritt practiced law in South Carolina.