List of Alpine Line ouvrages

This is the list of all ouvrages of the Alpine Line or Little Maginot Line along the Franco-Italian border, organized by sector and type of fortification. Ouvrage translates as "works" in English; publications in both English and French refer to these fortifications in this manner, rather than as "forts". An ouvrage typically consists of a distributed series of concrete-encased strongpoints defending a region, linked by tunnels, as opposed to a fort, which typically refers to a defended surface enclosure, which may have underground galleries as an adjunct.

List of Alpine Line ouvrages

This is the list of all ouvrages of the Alpine Line or Little Maginot Line along the Franco-Italian border, organized by sector and type of fortification. Ouvrage translates as "works" in English; publications in both English and French refer to these fortifications in this manner, rather than as "forts". An ouvrage typically consists of a distributed series of concrete-encased strongpoints defending a region, linked by tunnels, as opposed to a fort, which typically refers to a defended surface enclosure, which may have underground galleries as an adjunct.