Lugbara cuisine

Lugbara cuisine is one of the meals of East Africa and the ancient Lado Enclave. The Lugbara people of northwestern Uganda and northeastern DR Congo eat not only vegetable dishes, but also animals like goats, cows plus ope (guineafowls) and catch insects like onya (white ants /winged termites) for food which is called nyaka in the standard Lugbara language used in Arua. Cassava flour sometimes mixed and mingled with millet or sorghum like posho or ugali is the staple food and is called enya(sa) [kalo or atap(a) in Ateso, fufu in West Africa] accompanied with a range of soup dishes. Rice, yams, potatoes (including boiling plus mashing dried mutere) and matoke (steamed or mashed bananas) are also eaten. Below is a list of some of the Lugbara-styled delicacies you can find in West Nile Restau

Lugbara cuisine

Lugbara cuisine is one of the meals of East Africa and the ancient Lado Enclave. The Lugbara people of northwestern Uganda and northeastern DR Congo eat not only vegetable dishes, but also animals like goats, cows plus ope (guineafowls) and catch insects like onya (white ants /winged termites) for food which is called nyaka in the standard Lugbara language used in Arua. Cassava flour sometimes mixed and mingled with millet or sorghum like posho or ugali is the staple food and is called enya(sa) [kalo or atap(a) in Ateso, fufu in West Africa] accompanied with a range of soup dishes. Rice, yams, potatoes (including boiling plus mashing dried mutere) and matoke (steamed or mashed bananas) are also eaten. Below is a list of some of the Lugbara-styled delicacies you can find in West Nile Restau