Margit Sielska-Reich

Margit Sielska-Reich (Ukrainian Марія Сельська , born 26 May 1900 Kolomyja - 3 February 1980 Lviv ) was a Polish-Ukrainian painter who worked in Lviv. She began studying painting at the Free Academy of Fine Arts in Lviv with , Feliks Michał Wygrzywalski and . From 1920 to 1922, she continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków with Ignacy Pieńkowski , Władysław Jarocki and . From 1925, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and then in Paris in the studios of Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant. Léger's works in particular influenced her painting. In Paris, she met her future husband, a Lviv painter, Roman Sielski. In 1929, she returned with him to Lviv. Together with Roman, she was a co-founder of the Association of Artists and Designers " artes ". From 1930 to 1932

Margit Sielska-Reich

Margit Sielska-Reich (Ukrainian Марія Сельська , born 26 May 1900 Kolomyja - 3 February 1980 Lviv ) was a Polish-Ukrainian painter who worked in Lviv. She began studying painting at the Free Academy of Fine Arts in Lviv with , Feliks Michał Wygrzywalski and . From 1920 to 1922, she continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków with Ignacy Pieńkowski , Władysław Jarocki and . From 1925, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and then in Paris in the studios of Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant. Léger's works in particular influenced her painting. In Paris, she met her future husband, a Lviv painter, Roman Sielski. In 1929, she returned with him to Lviv. Together with Roman, she was a co-founder of the Association of Artists and Designers " artes ". From 1930 to 1932