Meguma terrane

The Meguma terrane, also known as Megumia, is a terrane exposed in southern Nova Scotia, that became joined to the present North American landmass as part of the Appalachian orogeny. The exposed part of the Meguma terrane, the Meguma Group, is largely composed of c. 10 km (6.2 mi) thick Cambrian to Ordovician turbidites that have been interpreted as submarine fan deposits. The Meguma terrane is joined to the Avalon terrane along the Minas Fault Zone, which runs east–west from Chedabucto Bay to Cobequid Bay and the Minas Basin. The Meguma Group is intruded by numerous Devonian and Carboniferous plutons.

Meguma terrane

The Meguma terrane, also known as Megumia, is a terrane exposed in southern Nova Scotia, that became joined to the present North American landmass as part of the Appalachian orogeny. The exposed part of the Meguma terrane, the Meguma Group, is largely composed of c. 10 km (6.2 mi) thick Cambrian to Ordovician turbidites that have been interpreted as submarine fan deposits. The Meguma terrane is joined to the Avalon terrane along the Minas Fault Zone, which runs east–west from Chedabucto Bay to Cobequid Bay and the Minas Basin. The Meguma Group is intruded by numerous Devonian and Carboniferous plutons.