Nightstalkers (comics)

Nightstalkers is an American comic-book series published by Marvel Comics from 1992 to 1994, featuring a trio of occult experts reluctantly banded together to fight supernatural threats. Operating under the business name Borderline Investigations, the team was composed of the vampire-hunters Blade and Frank Drake, who had fought Count Dracula in the 1970s series The Tomb of Dracula; and private detective Hannibal King, also introduced in that previous series, a "neo-vampire" with vampiric abilities but only a craving, not a need, for drinking blood. They are gathered by Doctor Strange in Nightstalkers #1 (Nov. 1992) to battle an immediate threat, but under Strange's larger, hidden agenda.

Nightstalkers (comics)

Nightstalkers is an American comic-book series published by Marvel Comics from 1992 to 1994, featuring a trio of occult experts reluctantly banded together to fight supernatural threats. Operating under the business name Borderline Investigations, the team was composed of the vampire-hunters Blade and Frank Drake, who had fought Count Dracula in the 1970s series The Tomb of Dracula; and private detective Hannibal King, also introduced in that previous series, a "neo-vampire" with vampiric abilities but only a craving, not a need, for drinking blood. They are gathered by Doctor Strange in Nightstalkers #1 (Nov. 1992) to battle an immediate threat, but under Strange's larger, hidden agenda.