
Omagua or low jungle (selva baja or partially tierra caliente) is one of the eight natural regions of Peru. It is located between 80 and 400m above sea level in the Peruvian Amazonia (Amazon rainforest). In this region, there are a lot of rivers that create meanders, swamps and lagoons. The flora includes trees like cedro and palms (e.g. genus Phytelephas, tucumo (Astrocaryum aculeatum), shapaja (Attalea phalerata) and shebo (Attalea butyracea)). There are also plants like the Cattleya rex, a species of orchid.


Omagua or low jungle (selva baja or partially tierra caliente) is one of the eight natural regions of Peru. It is located between 80 and 400m above sea level in the Peruvian Amazonia (Amazon rainforest). In this region, there are a lot of rivers that create meanders, swamps and lagoons. The flora includes trees like cedro and palms (e.g. genus Phytelephas, tucumo (Astrocaryum aculeatum), shapaja (Attalea phalerata) and shebo (Attalea butyracea)). There are also plants like the Cattleya rex, a species of orchid.