Pomeroy bullet

The Pomeroy bullet was designed by New Zealander John Pomeroy (1873-1950) as an anti-zeppelin weapon. Pomeroy bullets were supposed to explode when encountering the minimum resistance of fabric envelopes containing hydrogen gas holding the zeppelin aloft. The explosion might produce a larger hole in the fabric than the small diameter bullet, and the energy of the explosion might ignite the hydrogen in the presence of atmospheric oxygen outside of the envelope.

Pomeroy bullet

The Pomeroy bullet was designed by New Zealander John Pomeroy (1873-1950) as an anti-zeppelin weapon. Pomeroy bullets were supposed to explode when encountering the minimum resistance of fabric envelopes containing hydrogen gas holding the zeppelin aloft. The explosion might produce a larger hole in the fabric than the small diameter bullet, and the energy of the explosion might ignite the hydrogen in the presence of atmospheric oxygen outside of the envelope.