Ramiro Villapadierna

Ramiro Villapadierna (Madrid, Spain, 1964) is a reporter and observer working on Centreuropean affaires and culture, and a former war correspondent. He has been executive director of the Instituto Cervantes, the global pan-Hispanic institution dedicated to culture diplomacy. For it he has headed its Frankfurt and Prague branches, and has presided over their EUNIC, the European Network of Institutes of Culture, local clusters.

Ramiro Villapadierna

Ramiro Villapadierna (Madrid, Spain, 1964) is a reporter and observer working on Centreuropean affaires and culture, and a former war correspondent. He has been executive director of the Instituto Cervantes, the global pan-Hispanic institution dedicated to culture diplomacy. For it he has headed its Frankfurt and Prague branches, and has presided over their EUNIC, the European Network of Institutes of Culture, local clusters.