Ruppia maritima

Ruppia maritima is an aquatic plant species commonly known as beaked tasselweed, ditch grass, tassel pondweed and widgeon grass,. Despite its scientific name, it is not a marine plant; is perhaps best described as a salt-tolerant freshwater species. The generic name Ruppia was dedicated by Linnaeus to the German botanist Heinrich Bernhard Ruppius (1689-1719) and the specific name (maritima) translates to "of the sea".

Ruppia maritima

Ruppia maritima is an aquatic plant species commonly known as beaked tasselweed, ditch grass, tassel pondweed and widgeon grass,. Despite its scientific name, it is not a marine plant; is perhaps best described as a salt-tolerant freshwater species. The generic name Ruppia was dedicated by Linnaeus to the German botanist Heinrich Bernhard Ruppius (1689-1719) and the specific name (maritima) translates to "of the sea".