SIR proteins

Silent Information Regulator (SIR) proteins are involved in regulating gene expression. SIR proteins organize heterochromatin near telomeres, rDNA, and at silent loci including hidden mating type loci in yeast. The SIR family of genes encodes catalytic and non-catalytic proteins that are involved in de-acetylation of histone tails and the subsequent condensation of chromatin around a SIR protein scaffold. Some SIR family members are conserved from yeast to humans.

SIR proteins

Silent Information Regulator (SIR) proteins are involved in regulating gene expression. SIR proteins organize heterochromatin near telomeres, rDNA, and at silent loci including hidden mating type loci in yeast. The SIR family of genes encodes catalytic and non-catalytic proteins that are involved in de-acetylation of histone tails and the subsequent condensation of chromatin around a SIR protein scaffold. Some SIR family members are conserved from yeast to humans.