Vakarel Saddle

Vakarel Saddle (Bulgarian: Вакарелска седловина, ‘Vakarelska Sedlovina’ \va-ka-'rel-ska se-dlo-vi-'na\) is a crescent-shaped ice-covered saddle of elevation 1800 m in Imeon Range on Smith Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica bounded by Antim Peak to the east-northeast, and Evlogi Peak to the southwest, and overlooking Chuprene Glacier to the northwest. The feature is named after the settlement of Vakarel in western Bulgaria.

Vakarel Saddle

Vakarel Saddle (Bulgarian: Вакарелска седловина, ‘Vakarelska Sedlovina’ \va-ka-'rel-ska se-dlo-vi-'na\) is a crescent-shaped ice-covered saddle of elevation 1800 m in Imeon Range on Smith Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica bounded by Antim Peak to the east-northeast, and Evlogi Peak to the southwest, and overlooking Chuprene Glacier to the northwest. The feature is named after the settlement of Vakarel in western Bulgaria.