Venombin A

Venombin A (EC, alpha-fibrinogenase, habutobin, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib1.1, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib1.2, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib2, ancrod) is an enzyme. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction Selective cleavage of Arg- bond in fibrinogen, to form fibrin, and release . The specificity of further degradation of fibrinogen varies with species origin of the enzyme

Venombin A

Venombin A (EC, alpha-fibrinogenase, habutobin, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib1.1, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib1.2, zinc metalloproteinase Cbfib2, ancrod) is an enzyme. This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction Selective cleavage of Arg- bond in fibrinogen, to form fibrin, and release . The specificity of further degradation of fibrinogen varies with species origin of the enzyme