Yusuf Liu Baojun

Haji Yusuf Liu Baojun (born 8 April 1963) is a Chinese Muslim historian and researcher, best known as the author of Exodus Through Tian Shan - The Tale of Chinese Muslim in Central Asia, a book that has gained wide attention in Mainland China. He has published more than 15 books since 1991 written in three languages: English, Mandarin and Malay.

Yusuf Liu Baojun

Haji Yusuf Liu Baojun (born 8 April 1963) is a Chinese Muslim historian and researcher, best known as the author of Exodus Through Tian Shan - The Tale of Chinese Muslim in Central Asia, a book that has gained wide attention in Mainland China. He has published more than 15 books since 1991 written in three languages: English, Mandarin and Malay.