Media Type dataset

Created 3 years ago
9.727 statements

A datast containing instances for the media types in the IANA registry.

Media types and the IANA registry are standardized in RFC 6838.

How to use this dataset

This dataset provides instances for media types. You can use the following existing properties in order to relate these media types to your resources:

This is the standard way to denote a media type according to the Dublin Core Terms vocabulary.
This is the standard way to denote a media type according to the vocabulary.

Explanation of the data model

The following diagram gives an overview of the data mode for this dataset:

classDiagram class tmt_ToplevelType { dct_identifier: xsd_string [1,1] rdfs_label: xsd_string [1,1] } class dct_MediaType { dct_identifier: xsd_string [1,1] rdfs_label: xsd_string [1,1] tmt_altExtension: xsd_string [0,∞) tmt_prefExtension: xsd_string [0,1] tmt_subtype: xsd_string [1,1] } dct_MediaType --> tmt_ToplevelType : tmt_toplevelType [1,1]

This dataset uses the following existing class and property from Dublin Core Terms:

Every media type is an instance of this class.
The identifier for each media type and top-level type.

This dataset introduces the following new class and properties:

Every top-level type is an instance of this class.
Specifies a file name extension that is sometimes used on files with content in this particular media type. This is not the preferred file name extension to use of files with content in this particular media type (see tmt:prefExtension).
Specifies the preferred file name extension for a particular media type.
Relates a media type to its corresponding top-level type.
Relates a media type to its subtype name.