Triply's Version Vocabulary

Created 3 years ago
161 statements

This vocabulary allows versions to be identified for arbitrary resources.

Explanation of this vocabulary

This vocabulary innovates over current ontologies, which only allow OWL ontologies to be versioned (OWL), and/or only allow versions to be expressed in simple numbers or strings (

This vocabulary introduces the following two version types:

Version instances are related to the resources with the following property:

classDiagram class rdfs_Resource { } rdfs_Resource --> tv_Version: tv_version class tv_SemanticVersion { tv_major xsd_nonNegativeInteger tv_minor xsd_nonNegativeInteger tv_patch xsd_nonNegativeInteger } tv_Version <|-- tv_SemanticVersion class tv_TemporalVersion { time_inXSDDate xsd_date time_inXSDgYearMonth xsd_gYearMonth time_inXSDgYear xsd_gYear } tv_Version <|-- tv_TemporalVersion