Safety and Tolerability of Adalimumab Treatment. Adverse Events: Medical Occurrence in a Patient or Clinical Investigation Subject Administered a Pharmaceutical Product and Which Does Not Necessarily Have a Causal Relationship With the Treatment Baseline, 1, 4, 6, and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:4477b14c82d1f50b834e2d42cd3dbb56]

The safety and tolerability of adalimumab was assessed at each study visit. The overall number of participants experiencing serious adverse events (SAEs), non-serious adverse events (AEs) and AEs that led to discontinuation are presented. The number of participants presenting with any serious or non-serious event at each particular study visit is also reported. Note that for the incidence data participants were counted multiple times if they experienced an adverse event at more than 1 visit. For additional information see Reported Adverse Events.

Safety and Tolerability of Adalimumab Treatment. Adverse Events: Medical Occurrence in a Patient or Clinical Investigation Subject Administered a Pharmaceutical Product and Which Does Not Necessarily Have a Causal Relationship With the Treatment Baseline, 1, 4, 6, and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:4477b14c82d1f50b834e2d42cd3dbb56]

The safety and tolerability of adalimumab was assessed at each study visit. The overall number of participants experiencing serious adverse events (SAEs), non-serious adverse events (AEs) and AEs that led to discontinuation are presented. The number of participants presenting with any serious or non-serious event at each particular study visit is also reported. Note that for the incidence data participants were counted multiple times if they experienced an adverse event at more than 1 visit. For additional information see Reported Adverse Events.