Change in Resting Energy Expenditure From Baseline to 12 Months Baseline and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:6355441052608eeee8d0f200abb57713]

To compare the effect of glutamine and placebo on resting energy expenditure (REE) in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA) by comparing the change in REE ratio between baseline and 12 months. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry, using a metabolic cart.REE Ratio =(REE Measured/REE Predicted)x 100).Change was defined as 12 Month REE Ratio minus Baseline REE Ratio.The REE Ratio was evaluated at baseline and 12 months.The REE Ratio is calculated as (REE Measured / REE Predicted) x 100).REE units are measured as (Kcal / day).Change was defined as 12 Month REE Ratio minus Baseline REE Ratio.

Change in Resting Energy Expenditure From Baseline to 12 Months Baseline and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:6355441052608eeee8d0f200abb57713]

To compare the effect of glutamine and placebo on resting energy expenditure (REE) in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA) by comparing the change in REE ratio between baseline and 12 months. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry, using a metabolic cart.REE Ratio =(REE Measured/REE Predicted)x 100).Change was defined as 12 Month REE Ratio minus Baseline REE Ratio.The REE Ratio was evaluated at baseline and 12 months.The REE Ratio is calculated as (REE Measured / REE Predicted) x 100).REE units are measured as (Kcal / day).Change was defined as 12 Month REE Ratio minus Baseline REE Ratio.