Rate of complete molecular response (CMR). Levels of BCR-ABL transcripts will be determined by RQ-PCR testing of peripheral blood and analysed at an appropriate national EUTOS reference laboratory. after 18 months of study drug [clinicaltrials_resource:f00bc0f7457ecbbd07c709fd416be553]

CMR is defined as undetectable BCR-ABL transcripts by quantitative RT-PCR in a peripheral blood sample of at least 10 ml with a minimum sensitivity of 1:10,000.

Rate of complete molecular response (CMR). Levels of BCR-ABL transcripts will be determined by RQ-PCR testing of peripheral blood and analysed at an appropriate national EUTOS reference laboratory. after 18 months of study drug [clinicaltrials_resource:f00bc0f7457ecbbd07c709fd416be553]

CMR is defined as undetectable BCR-ABL transcripts by quantitative RT-PCR in a peripheral blood sample of at least 10 ml with a minimum sensitivity of 1:10,000.