
Atrypa is a genus of brachiopod with shells round to short egg-shaped, covered with many fine radial ridges (or costae), that split further out and growthlines perpendicular to the costae and 2-3 times wider spaced. The pedunculate valve is a little convex, but tends to level out or even become slightly concave toward the anterior margin (that is: opposite hinge and pedicle). The brachial valve is highly convex. There is no interarea (that is a flat area bordering the hinge line approximately perpendicular with the rest of the valve) in either valve. Atrypa was a cosmopolitan and occurred from the late Lower Silurian (Telychian) to the early Upper Devonian (Frasnian).


Atrypa is a genus of brachiopod with shells round to short egg-shaped, covered with many fine radial ridges (or costae), that split further out and growthlines perpendicular to the costae and 2-3 times wider spaced. The pedunculate valve is a little convex, but tends to level out or even become slightly concave toward the anterior margin (that is: opposite hinge and pedicle). The brachial valve is highly convex. There is no interarea (that is a flat area bordering the hinge line approximately perpendicular with the rest of the valve) in either valve. Atrypa was a cosmopolitan and occurred from the late Lower Silurian (Telychian) to the early Upper Devonian (Frasnian).