De Himriksmole, Tytsjerk

Himriksmole, also known as Groene Ster after the recreational area and nature reserve where it is located, is a drainage mill near the village of Tytsjerk, Friesland, Netherlands. It is a hollow post windmill of the type called "spinnenkop" by the Dutch. The mill is listed as a Rijksmonument, number 35675 and is used to raise the water level in the nature reserve.

De Himriksmole, Tytsjerk

Himriksmole, also known as Groene Ster after the recreational area and nature reserve where it is located, is a drainage mill near the village of Tytsjerk, Friesland, Netherlands. It is a hollow post windmill of the type called "spinnenkop" by the Dutch. The mill is listed as a Rijksmonument, number 35675 and is used to raise the water level in the nature reserve.