GoodRelations Ontology
Actual product or service instance (DEPRECATED)
Business entity
Business entity type
Business function
Day of week
Delivery charge specification
Delivery method
Delivery mode parcel service
Friday (day of week)
Location of sales or service provisioning (DEPRECATED)
Monday (day of week)
Opening hours specification
Payment charge specification
Payment method
Payment method credit card
Price specification
Product or service
Product or service model
Product or services some instances placeholder (DEPRECATED)
Qualitative value
Quantitative value
Quantitative value float
Quantitative value integer
Saturday (day of week)
Some items
Sunday (day of week)
Thursday (day of week)
Tuesday (day of week)
Type and quantity node
Unit price specification
Warranty promise
Warranty scope
Wednesday (day of week)
datatype product or service property (0..*)
description (0..1)
equal (0..*)
greater (0..*)
greater or equal (0..*)
has manufacturer (0..1)
has max currency value (1..1)
has max value (0..1)
has max value float (1..1)
has max value integer (1..1)
has min currency value (1..1)