Abstract building
Abstract spatial object type g ...... pes Building and BuildingPart.
The optional spatial object ty ...... llation and OtherConstruction.
Abstract construction
Abstract spatial object type g ...... ion about the theme Buildings.
A Building is an enclosed <b>c ...... ructed or erected on its site.
geometryIsPointOrSurfaceOrMult ...... urface or GM_MultiSurface.*/
horizontalGeometryEstimatedAcc ...... y shall be given in meters. */
referenceGeometry: /*For exact ...... eGeometry shall be 'true'.*/
verticalGeometryEstimatedAccur ...... has to be given in meters.*/
Building geometry 2D
This data types includes the g ...... building was captured and how.
NOTE 1: A BuildingPart is homo ...... ifferent heights above ground.
Building part
A BuildingPart is a sub-divisi ...... nsidered itself as a building.
percentageSum: The total of all percentages shall be less or equal to 100.
Current use
This data type enables to detail the current use(s).
atLeastOneEvent: /*At least, o ...... anyPoint shall be supplied.*/
beginning is before anyPoint i ...... fore anyPoint is before end.*/
Date of event
This data type includes the different possible ways to define the date of an event.
This data types includes the e ...... w this elevation was measured.
External reference