areaValueUoM: /* Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
SOURCE Adapted from UN ECE 200 ...... several basic property units.
The basic unit of ownership th ...... ographically separate parcels.
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... han beginLifespanVersion. */
estimatedAccuracyUoM: /* Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
NOTE In the INSPIRE context, c ...... attribute estimated accuracy).
Part of the outline of a cadas ...... eighbouring cadastral parcels.
areaValueUoM: /* Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters. */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
geometryType: Type of geometry shall be GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
SOURCE [INSPIRE Directive:2007 ...... t owners for the whole parcel.
Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent.
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
estimatedAccuracyUoM: /* Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
zoningLevelHierarchy: /* A low ...... of an upper level zoning. */
NOTE 1 In the INSPIRE context, ...... tion, parish, district, block.
Intermediary areas used in order to divide national territory into cadastral parcels.
The application schema Cadastr ...... oundary and CadastralIndexSet.
The administrative unit of low ...... ning this basic property unit.