areaValueUoM: /* Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... han beginLifespanVersion. */
estimatedAccuracyUoM: /* Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
areaValueUoM: /* Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters. */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
geometryType: Type of geometry shall be GM_Surface or GM_MultiSurface
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
endLifespanVersion: /* If set, ...... than beginLifespanVersion. */
estimatedAccuracyUoM: /* Value of estimatedAccuracy shall be given in meters. */
validTo: /* If set, the date validTo shall be equal or later than validFrom. */
zoningLevelHierarchy: /* A low ...... of an upper level zoning. */