SOURCE Adapted from UN ECE 200 ...... several basic property units.
NOTE In the INSPIRE context, c ...... attribute estimated accuracy).
SOURCE [INSPIRE Directive:2007 ...... t owners for the whole parcel.
NOTE 1 In the INSPIRE context, ...... tion, parish, district, block.
The national cadastral referen ...... queries in national services.
NOTE This mean value may come ...... ocesses and of their accuracy.
As much as possible, the geometry should be a single area.
The national cadastral referen ...... queries in national services.
NOTE This mean value may come ...... ocesses and of their accuracy.
EXAMPLE For Spain, level name ...... s "municipality" (in English).
NOTE 1 Cadastral zonings which ...... which language the names are.
EXAMPLE 03260000AB (France), 30133 (Austria), APD00F (Netherlands).
EXAMPLE 2000 means that original cadastral map was designed at scale 1: 2000.
EXAMPLE The centroid of the cadastral parcel geometry.