(In)Visible Dialogues

(In)visible Dialogues was an art project realized at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm in 2011. It was initiated by artist Per Huttner and biochemist Elias Arnér. The project was transgressing the boundaries of exhibition, publication and lectures in order to stimulate dialogues between art and science. The project was a sequel to the project Begrepp – En samling from 1992 and drew on Hüttner's experiences from projects like I am a Curator and Democracy and Desire.

(In)Visible Dialogues

(In)visible Dialogues was an art project realized at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm in 2011. It was initiated by artist Per Huttner and biochemist Elias Arnér. The project was transgressing the boundaries of exhibition, publication and lectures in order to stimulate dialogues between art and science. The project was a sequel to the project Begrepp – En samling from 1992 and drew on Hüttner's experiences from projects like I am a Curator and Democracy and Desire.