
Lobosa is a taxonomic group of amoebae possessing broad, bluntly rounded pseudopods. In current classification schemes, it is a subphylum of Amoebozoa, composed of amoebae that have lobose pseudopods but lack cilia or flagella. As currently defined, the subphylum Lobosa includes both shelled (testate) and naked amoebae, but excludes some amoebozoan organisms traditionally regarded as "lobosean", such as Pelomyxa and Entamoeba.


Lobosa is a taxonomic group of amoebae possessing broad, bluntly rounded pseudopods. In current classification schemes, it is a subphylum of Amoebozoa, composed of amoebae that have lobose pseudopods but lack cilia or flagella. As currently defined, the subphylum Lobosa includes both shelled (testate) and naked amoebae, but excludes some amoebozoan organisms traditionally regarded as "lobosean", such as Pelomyxa and Entamoeba.