Anna Kristina (ship)

Anna Kristina is a Norwegian-flagged, galeas-rigged Hardangerjakt. Originally named Dyrafjeld, the sloop-rigged vessel was built on a Norwegian farm in 1889. The ship's early career was as a cargo ship in the Hardanger region, with occasional voyages as far afield as Russia. She was sold to new owners and rerigged as a galeas in the late 1920s. The sails were removed during World War II, but continued in merchant service until the mid-1970s. After a series of accidents, the vessel was laid up, then sold to new owners, who restored the vessel and renamed her Anna Kristina. Charter work occurred throughout the 1980s, including involvement in the First Fleet Re-enactment Voyage.

Anna Kristina (ship)

Anna Kristina is a Norwegian-flagged, galeas-rigged Hardangerjakt. Originally named Dyrafjeld, the sloop-rigged vessel was built on a Norwegian farm in 1889. The ship's early career was as a cargo ship in the Hardanger region, with occasional voyages as far afield as Russia. She was sold to new owners and rerigged as a galeas in the late 1920s. The sails were removed during World War II, but continued in merchant service until the mid-1970s. After a series of accidents, the vessel was laid up, then sold to new owners, who restored the vessel and renamed her Anna Kristina. Charter work occurred throughout the 1980s, including involvement in the First Fleet Re-enactment Voyage.