
Chamela is a small town in the state of Jalisco, on the west coast of Mexico. The town of Chamela sits on the south end of a bay called the Bahía de Chamela, or "Chamela Bay", on Federal Highway 200. San Mateo and Punta Pérula are the two other towns on the bay. It is 8 miles north of the better known resort of Careyes. Chamela was a port during Spanish colonial times, often visited by galleons. Ruins of a colonial era fortification, built by Pedro de Alvarado, still remain. In 2015, the town was largely destroyed by Hurricane Patricia.


Chamela is a small town in the state of Jalisco, on the west coast of Mexico. The town of Chamela sits on the south end of a bay called the Bahía de Chamela, or "Chamela Bay", on Federal Highway 200. San Mateo and Punta Pérula are the two other towns on the bay. It is 8 miles north of the better known resort of Careyes. Chamela was a port during Spanish colonial times, often visited by galleons. Ruins of a colonial era fortification, built by Pedro de Alvarado, still remain. In 2015, the town was largely destroyed by Hurricane Patricia.